I have not received my login details or credentials via email.

Question: I have not received my login details or credentials via email, what should I do?

1. Check your SPAM folder with your email provider to ensure that your login credentials were not setnt to SPAM
2. Be sure to whitelist [email protected] with your email provider to ensure emails are not going to SPAM.
3. If you still have not managed to locate your login details feel free to open a ticket with us and we can respond with your login information.
4. Login to the customer portal @ www.hostmyapple.com/whmcs/ and click "Update" under the "Your Info" tab in order to update your email address on file,
   if your existing email address appears correct you may wish to try an alternate email address.
  • credentials, login, email, information, username, password
  • 6 Users Found This Useful
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