How will I be billed when I sign up for service?

How will I be billed when I sign up for service?

The initial amount you pay upon signup is a prorated amount paying for today, through then end of this month.
This prorated amount is smaller than the normal monthly payment. On the 1st day of every month, you will then be charged the full recurring amount.
If you sign up on the 25th day of the current month or later the prorated amount is already combined into your 1st payment for the upcoming month as well, meaning that on the 1st of the upcoming month
you will have already paid and no additional payment would be due until the following month. This is why your initial payment is slightly higher than expected.
Otherwise, your next monthly payment will always be on the 1st of the following month.

If you have any questions regarding billing please feel free to open a support ticket and a member of our technical support team will be happy to
provide further explantion.
  • billing, billed, credit card, paypal, bitcoin, ethereum, charged, payment
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